Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Part of the incentive meant we rode a little harder, and a little faster than we had been. The 500 does very, very, well on the highway. It also uses more gas than the Nomad when we push the speeds. Between Buffalo and Moorcroft, WY Melanie passed me and led for most of those hundred miles of I-90. She was typically running about 80, where I was going maybe 70, because of the wind. She also had to go to reserve at only 80 miles on the tank of gas. The 500 started bucking a little as we pulled into the gas station. 33 mpg.
Getting home wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Normally when we go on vacation, I hate going home. This time, when we got close to the Black Hills, I could appreciate the beauty of them, and was thankful I lived there. That doesn't help my wanderlust. I want to go again. Melanie has a 650 mile round trip to make this weekend, and she is going to take her bike. I can't go with her, and I am jealous that she can go and I can't.
Today was 301 miles. The trip total was 3,605 according to the gps. I didn't have it on for beer runs, or Sherms supper ride, so it was a little more, but that is the official number I am quoting. Melanie needed to get another break, but with some seat work on her 500, she would be good to go for even longer rides. We will both post another entry, and I will go through and add some pictures and a little more commentary too.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Our last night on the road.
We are in Greybull, WY right now, and will have a short ride home tomorrow. I have always wanted to try long distance touring, and at 3,300 miles so far, I think this qualifies. I didn't know how Melanie would handle it, but she has loved it. Her bike definitely needs seat work, and if she decides to keep it, it will get done. The days we have battled wind has her thinking about a bigger bike. The 500 has been incredible, but actually gets worse mileage than my 'Nad in the wind.
I took pictures today since I have really been bad about that. I apologize for not taking any at the rally, but there were cameras everywhere, so I don't think I would have taken any that someone else didn't. As we crossed the border into Wyoming, Melanie commented that the most beautiful parts of this country are closest to home. That is why we live where we do. Remember, the pictures get bigger if you click on them.
This is the Swan Valley in Idaho, and the Snake river. We are just about to climb into the Tetons from the west here.

I love these kind of pictures. The beginning of the Tetons in front of me, and you can see Melanie and Purple500 in the mirror.

On the way up the Tetons, I wanted to pull over and let traffic pass. Little did I know, it was a weigh station pull off, and the scale was on. This was Purple500 fully loaded for 12 days on the road. The Nomad and I weighed in at an even 1100 pounds. I was shocked it was that high. It gets good mileage, and the power isn't bad for that kind of weight.

Here we are climbing higher into the Tetons. This was over 7600 feet.

At the summit, Melanie wanted a picture of this sign, and yes that is Jackson Hole, and the town of Jackson, WY in the background.

Here the bikes windshields are cleaned, and they are tucked away for the last night. It was sad doing this chore, as we have enjoyed this trip more than we can put in words. We will wash the road grime off them tomorrow afternoon when we get home. They won't need to be covered, and will sleep in the garage.

It has been a great trip, and all the many months of planning has been worth it. The only problem is, we don't have another one to plan for now. It will be back to real life, and reading the blogs of people who can do this as their real life.
Today was 321 miles, the shortest day of the ride home so far. But, we did deal with the parks traffic, and if you have never been to Yellowstone, you don't know how slow traffic can be at times. Tomorrow will be shorter, and we will get home. It will be bittersweet.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Still on the road home.
Idaho Falls waterfalls were definitely a disappointment from a photography standpoint. I guess that is why there was a post on VROC a while back about another falls that was more impressive, and I meant to look it up on our ride home, but forgot it.
The mesh jackets are worth there weight in gold. Having armoured protection that protects from the sun and breathes actually keeps you cooler than just a t shirt. I am not a hot weather person, and was surprised when we went through a town that showed the temperature. I wouldn't have guessed that it was that hot. Later, when it got even warmer, we would wet down our t shirts under the mesh jackets and the amount of cooling is amazing. I want to look into the cooling vests for future rides.
448 miles today. It was mostly a good day, even with the mid 90 temperatures. The last 50 miles the wind switched and made things miserable, but it was under an hour.
We had to leave sometime.....

We did 433 miles today, and it was a hard day. Next stop is Idaho Falls, for more pictures.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Sherms Ride
Here was our lunch stop.

Here are the bikes lined up at a lighthouse stop we made. Sherm took some pictures of the whole group. I will link to his blog when I am done with this blog.

Here is a picture of Sherm getting ready to take the group picture at the lighthouse.

Thursday, July 17, 2008
COOS BAY!!!! We are finally here!
This is the Yaquina Head lighthouse. You can actually tour the inside of this one, and see the lense and light. Glad we waited in line to see it.

Here Melanie is checking out some fish from the inside of an aquarium.

This is the Heceta Head lighthouse, in the Newport area. We have a thing for lighthouses!

Here are some of the locals sunning themselves. Notice the wave on the lower left sneeking up on these guys.

Here they are after the quick shower. A couple of them look as surprised as we would be!

Today was the final leg getting to the 2008 Oregon Trail International - Vulcan Riders and Owners Club - Wolfmans Wandering Rally. Long name for lots of folks getting together to have a great time with great people. Today was 222 miles, bringing our total up to 1963 miles so far.
Day 5, not a good day.
Once we got under way, the ride was nice along US 101 westbound in Washington. The ride along Crescent Lake on 101 was beautiful. We were trying to make up time, so we didn't stop for pictures. Then we left that area, and 101 through the rest of Washington is definitely a road to be avoided. It gets close to the shoreline a couple of times, but you can't see it because it is very overgrown. Yes, we are spoiled living in the Black Hills in South Dakota, which has some of the best and most scenic roads in the country. But still, 101 stinks. I would choose the Columbia River over Washington 101 if you have a choice. You won't miss anything.
That out of the way, we got into Oregon, and 101 is a fantastic road. scenery is great, many stops, but we were tired, and got a motel room 12 miles short of our destination, in the town shown on the beach in this picture. Only downside was, we didn't ask about wireless, and they didn't have it.

Today was only 294 miles, but seemed like a lot more than that. It was a combination of traffic, lack of scenery, and not making water stops along with our gas stops.
Monday, July 14, 2008
North Cascades Highway, and a ferry ride

EDIT: forgot to add, as we were climbing into the Cascades, a bird flew up and hit my handlebar, exploding all over me. I started laughing and had to stop. When Melanie got to me, she was laughing also. She said all she could think of was the scene from Wild Hogs. If you have seen it, you know. She asked me what it was, and I told her I was pretty sure it was a Spotted Owl!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
From Montana to Washington

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Day two, no problems, and no wind.

Here were the bikes at the overlook. It was over 6000 feet in elevation, and was well worth the stop. The morning was a little cool, and there was no wind today. It was a very welcome change from yesterday!
Also not wanting to have a repeat of yesterdays gas crisis, we stopped early for gas. What we found was a quaint little town named Ovando, Montana. We have passed by this town several times and didn't know what was here. I told Melanie I would love to eat at the little cafe, but we had just eaten a while ago.
This was the gas stop that we made, 15 miles before our planned gas stop. It was worth it not to have one of us not check her gas gauge often enough! In the spirit of full disclosure, the 500 Vulcans don't have gas gauges, but it is sure fun giving her a bad time for running out. The gas was only $4.75 a gallon, so we put in enough to know we could get up the road farther than we needed to.
The first day, and what a day.